Jesus the Horse Thief

We have a large collection of games that are similar to Jesus the Horse Thief for you to play, such as The Happy Thief & the Forgotten City, Rock Bottom, Breakfast and many more.

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Dot Dot action
Fracuum Fracuum action
Horse Jump Horse Jump puzzle
Husk Husk action
Kitty Punch Kitty Punch action
Hop Bob Hop Bob action
Sk8bit Sk8bit action
Arc Run Arc Run action
Pixvader Pixvader action
Looper Looper action
Chunkadelic Chunkadelic action
Stuckfain Stuckfain action
Breakfast Breakfast action
Narcissus Narcissus action
Iridescent Iridescent action
Rock Bottom Rock Bottom action
Pivot Pivot action
Crysthurl Crysthurl action
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